Anyone in grades 2 through 8 is invited to sing in our youth choir. The Youth Choir typically sings for our Christmas Eve 4 PM Inside Mass and Easter 12:30 PM Mass. Through the Youth Choir, children and young teens have an opportunity to lift their voices in praise!
Three rehearsals typically take place 4-5 PM in the top level of the Church preceding each feast day.
Singers can join any time throughout the year prior to each feast day by attending the first rehearsal and filling out a sign-up form. On the day of the Mass, the youth choir will need to arrive at 3 PM for the 4 PM Christmas Eve Mass and 11:30 AM for the 12:30 PM Easter Sunday Mass. If you have any questions, contact David Mares, Music Director, at [email protected].
Christmas Youth Choir 2024 Rehearsal Schedule:
Thursday, December 5th at 4 PM in the Church
Thursday, December 12th at 4 PM in the Church
Wednesday, December 18th at 4 PM in the Church
Singing for the 4 PM Christmas Eve Mass on December 24, 2024
To select different songs in the playlist above, click on the "hamburger" (three stacked bars) menu button on the top right of the video.