St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul primarily provides rental, utility, food and other assistance to parishioners and non-parishioners within our parish boundaries.
If you’re in need of rental or utility assistance or low on food please leave us a message at (480) 733-2790 and we will return the call
Note: We also provide Care Cards for the SVDP Thrift Stores, and contact information for other support organizations.
To donate click here - or get an SVDP envelope and drop it in the collection basket. Checks made payable to: St. Vincent de Paul, St. Timothy Conference or SVDP- St Timothy Conf.
We can also be contacted by email: [email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul mailing address:
St. Vincent de Paul St. Timothy Conference
1730 W. Guadalupe Rd
Mesa, AZ 85202
Phone Number: 480-733-2790
Your State of Arizona Tax Dollars Can Help the St. Tim’s Conference of St. Vincent de Paul.
Now is the time to make a charitable donation to St. Vincent de Paul and receive state tax credits. An individual income tax credit is available for contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations that provide assistance to residents of Arizona. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Qualifying Charitable Organization.
The Arizona tax credit program allows for a dollar-to-dollar tax credit, up to $938 for joint returns and $470 for individual returns. This means your dollars can benefit those whom St. Vincent de Paul serves. In addition, your gift can count as a charitable deduction on your federal return if you itemize.
The St. Vincent de Paul Tax Credit is separate from the private and public-school credit and the foster care credit.
The St Vincent de Paul Tax-ID number is: 86-0096789
Credit Card: Go to
Click the Donate Button it will take you to “How to Donate” and you will be routed through PayPal.Bottom of Form
Parish Drop-Off: You can leave a donation at the parish office. A check or money order should be made out to SVdP - St. Timothy. You can use one of our envelopes located in the back of the church and either put it in a collection box that is mounted in several locations including the entrances or mail it to us. We suggest using a check or money order, rather than cash for drop-off donations or mailing.
By Mail: Must be postmarked by April 15, 2025
to take the Arizona Tax Credit for 2024.
Must be postmarked by December 31, 2024.
for a Federal Tax Deduction for 2024.
Enclose a check or money order made out to SVdP - St. Timothy
and any special instructions you have and mail to:
St. Timothy Catholic Church
SVdP Conference
1730 W. Guadalupe Road
Mesa, Arizona 85202
Thanks to your generosity your SVdP helped in 2024 as follows: Number of visits – 136, Number of People helped -- 386, Food boxes delivered --44, Food Expenses -- $2,630, Shelter (Rents/Mortgages/Other) -- $18,803, Utilities -- $12,897, Transportation/Furniture -- $666, Volunteer hours – 4,396. Adopt-A-Family – 35 families (180 kids and adults). |
Reminder: Always check with your tax advisor to ensure you are eligible for a tax credit.